Good Morning Maywood DaVinci,
Lunch today is spicy chicken filet sandwich with tater tots OR chicken enchilada with salad bar and milk.
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Readers get ready! The 2nd trimester AR party root beer or orange float party is Friday, March 27. You have until this tomorrow to finish your AR goal. If you achieve 100% of your goal all three trimesters, then you will also earn an invitation to a pizza party that will be held near the end of our school year.
SKIP Students & teachers don't forget, any first period class that has perfect attendance for a whole week will be receiving a donuts and milk party. If your class has perfect attendance this morning you are off to a good start. Let us know if you make it to a week.
SKIP Any first period class who earns two weeks of perfect attendance - and they don't have to be in a row will get a fully cooked waffle bar breakfast by Mr. Fisher and Mrs. Dietz. This means no tardies or absences so try hard to be here every day.
AVID is a class that prepares students for college. If you received an application for our AVID program, it is because one of your teachers believes that you are college material. Please complete your application and return it to the office or one of our AVID teachers by this Friday, March 13. After the applications are reviewed, an interview will be set up for each applicant.
Due to the cancellation of 6th grade girls basketball, girls turn jerseys and shorts into the office here or to Mr. Omlor Room 7 Olive View. Thanks!
VPN-上海交通大学网络信息中心 - SJTU:2021-6-11 · 服务名称: VPN 服务对象: 教职工、学生 办理方式: 默认开通 受理时限: 立即开通 服务介绍: 网络信息中心为方便广大师生在校外使用校园网资源而开设VPN服务,例如在家中通过VPN可众访问图书馆电子期刊资源。
Remember to follow our school rules - responsibility, integrity, safety and courtesy. Not being the messenger, not spreading gossip, keeping negative messages to yourself is an example of having integrity.
Okay Cougars - have a fantastic day!
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Maywood DaVinci is home to 480 students in grades six through eight. Our school is proud to also be the home to DaVinci, a school within a school and Corning's first STEM School!